Photography is a complex process for me, not in the literal sense (well, it is, of course) but more in the conscious sense. I’ve long noticed I work in spits and starts, often becoming incredibly invested in a particular idea or concept, to then suddenly…come screeching to a halt.
It's probably something that many ‘creatives’ are familiar with, perhaps not just creatives. An all-encompassing passion, self-absorption in an idea and suddenly…poof, its gone.
However, there are consistent ideas and concepts that bubble along in the background, such as portraiture. Recently, I returned to Mud, my long-term documentation of the island of Sheppey - the landscape and the people.
I was walking the north shore, where the mud cliffs fall and expose fossils, and it was fairly busy. I bumped into a few hunters and eventually plucked up the courage to grab a quick portrait, which you can see below.
Its a keeper.